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Radcliffe-on-Trent Golf ClubRadcliffe-on-Trent

Become a Member

The Radcliffe on Trent Golf Club is an England Golf Championship Venue and one of the best parkland courses within the region, providing a true test of golf for all levels of player.

Membership is currently open, to apply for membership of The Radcliffe on Trent Golf Club, please complete the membership application form below.

A list of membership categories, together with fees, can be found below. Our membership season is a 10 month term and it runs from 1st November 2023 – 31st August 2024. Currently there is currently no joining fee, but we anticipate there being one in the near future.

Membership Application Form 2023-2024

Membership categories and pricing for 2023/2024 – “Join now and pay up until our next renewal date of 1st September 2024”

10 Month Membership Season (1st Nov – 31st Aug)

Platinum – 7 Day£1,085.00
Platinum – 7 Day (Age 31 – 35)£758.00
Platinum – 7 Day (Age 26 – 30)£607.00
Platinum – 7 Day (Age 21 – 25)£405.00
Platinum – 7 Day (Age 19 – 20)£304.00
Gold – 5 Day – Limited Spaces Available£868.00
New Flexible (500 Points)£500.00
Junior (17 – 18)£203.00
Junior (13 – 16)£87.00
Under 12’sFREE

Prices do not include the Nott’s Union or EGU Membership Fees.

The Radcliffe-on-Trent Golf Club is currently going through a period of adjusting the start of our membership year. Historically our membership year ran from 1st November through to 31st October of the following year (12 months).

We will be for the next two renewal periods be running our membership season over a 10 month period to eventually move the subscription date back to May 1st. At the end of the final 10 month period, the clubs annual subscription renewal date will then become 1st May. From that renewal date the club will resume 12 monthly renewal periods.